Aqua, just as their name suggests, is an elemental force

IndigiBlues Medicine Music

Book a solo, duo, trio or full band for your next festival, event, conference, community gathering or school function. Aqua creates a magical experience weaving together stories and Anishinaabe teachings. This is a transformative performance that is not only interactive but also educational and inspiring. Aqua can be accompanied by a traditional dancer to bring these stories to life.

Indigenous Consulting

This is a specialized service where Aqua can take any program, event, curriculum, or project and Indigenize it in a holistic and meaningful way. This is a beautiful way to incorporate the TRC’s calls to action in any space.

Traditional Opening & Closing

A beautiful way to acknowledge the traditional lands in which we stand, live, and breathe. This performance is accompanied by a song to open the hearts of those present. A deepening of gratitude is achieved through words that highlight our inherit gifts from mother earth.

This performance is a holistic way to encompass all that has been shared during an event, celebration, or festival. This performance acknowledges the energy and gifts contributed and allows closure to the time shared with each other. This performance is the perfect ending to anything done in community.

Hand Drum Making

This workshop is a transformative experience. You will have the opportunity to make your own Indigenous hand drum. You will learn how to take care of your drum so your drum can take care of you through it’s healing vibrations.

Hand Drum Birthing Ceremony

This ceremony is an awakening experience for you and your brand new hand drum. This ceremony is done to awaken the spirit of the drum that has been created for healing. Through traditional medicine and healing vibrations, the spirit of the drum is awakened.

The animal and tree that gave their lives to become this sacred object is honoured and feasted.

Hand Drum Circle

This workshop is an incredibly healing experience. It encompasses teachings of the hand drum and how it is used in ceremony. The drum allows your heartbeat to connect to the earth’s heartbeat. A beautiful mix of traditional, ceremonial, contemporary, and original hand drum songs by Aqua are sung and taught through kinaesthetic ways of knowing.

Land Acknowledgment & Treaties

This workshop is a wonderfully informative experience. It deconstructs the land acknowledgment; why it is now spoken at schools, organizations, businesses, and corporations.

The significance of acknowledging the traditional territories is explored through a treaty exercise where participants create their own treaty; an agreement that states how two parties will share their home. Treaties are legal binding documents that have been used between the First Nations’ People and the European Settlers. This exercise is debriefed to give the participants a deeper understanding of how and why treaties were created and their affects on the current state of our society as a whole.

Rooted in their Anishinaabe heritage and proudly identifies as a mixed ancestry being

Medicine Wheel Teachings

This workshop is beautiful and holistic. It includes all aspects of creation and how they are all equally important. It honours the four sacred directions, elements, stages of life, seasons, aspects of self, medicines, and Nations of humanity. It is a wonderful introduction to Indigenous culture of Turtle Island.

7 Grandfather Teachings

This workshop is a beautiful exploration. It is perfect for anyone seeking knowledge and understanding around our struggles in our human experience on Mother Earth. Learning the 7 Grandfather Teachings allows us to become more Respectful, Loving, Wise, Humble, Courageous, Honest, and Truthful people. The teachings are shared through a guided meditation and can also include an artistic expression to represent the learnings from these beautiful and sacred teachings. Debriefing the workshop also deepens the level of understanding and learning through the process of experience.

Water Teachings

This workshop is sacred and honours the waters inside and outside of our beings. We are mostly made of water and that is awakened during this workshop through traditional teachings of the waters that run through mother earth and through our veins. Water songs are sung with the help of the hand drum. Water is Life. Water is Medicine. We are Life. We are Medicine. This workshop teaches us to understand our power and how we are able to affect the waters of ourselves, others, and the earth.

The Residential School System

This workshop is integral to understanding the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. This is a challenging workshop for all involved, as we delve into the darker parts of our history. This workshop discusses the instatement of the residential school system, it’s initial intent, and its horrific outcome. This workshop, although difficult is truly life altering, as we acknowledge the past we shift our present thinking to influence our future. This is perfect for non-Indigenous people who did not have the opportunity to learn the true history of this land that

we all call home.

Pre & Post Colonial Contact

This workshop is important to understand the current state of our society and the relationships between Indigenous Peoples and the Government. This is achieved through the power of the imagination. Participants are guided through a visual experience of imagining themselves as Indigenous people before contact with European Settlers. The landscape, individual responsibilities, and the beauty of life is described in great detail. The participants have the opportunity to connect their identity to this new life. Through the debriefing process participants learn how Indigenous peoples’ lives changed forever and how that influenced our current state of being.

Full Moon Ceremony

This ceremony is cleansing and renewing. Traditionally this ceremony was for women only and used to honour our moon cycles. This ceremony can be adapted to include men and children. This ceremony is done outdoors when possible and takes place within 4 days of the full moon.

Teachings are shared around the specific moon and time of year, along with what the land is currently experiencing.

This ceremony gives you an opportunity to let go of the last moon and open yourself to the coming moon.

Space for prayers, gratitude, and grief are created in ceremony for deep healing.

Feasting Ceremony

This ceremony is honouring and grounding. Traditionally this ceremony took place when the seasons changed, a loved one past, and for sacred objects created and carried in ones’ bundle.

This ceremony is rooted in gratitude and reminds us to take the time to thank our ancestors and loved ones that have passed on to the spirit world. With traditional foods and medicines the spirits are recognized for the work they continue to do here on mother earth.


Creator, singer~songwriter, and hand drummer

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